Community Action Partnership of Riverside County (CAP Riverside) utilizes the Results Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA) process to develop and evaluate its programs and services, to measure agency performance, and to establish and increase the successful achievement of customer outcomes.
Every two years CAP Riverside conducts a comprehensive Community Needs Assessment throughout Riverside County by gathering information and data (qualitative and quantitative) from community members, community-based and faith-based organizations, public and private sectors, educational institutions, etc. The analyzed results of this assessment, which identifies priority needs of low-income individuals and families in Riverside County, and gaps in resources to meet these needs, form a foundation for developing the goals and strategies inherent in CAP Riverside’s two-year Community Action Plan and five-year Strategic Plan.
CAP Riverside creates a Community Action Plan every two years in its accountability to the California Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) for its federal Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funding. The Community Needs Assessment is included as an essential component of the Community Action Plan.
Download the 2024-2025 Community Action Plan
Download the 2022-2023 Community Action Plan
CAP Riverside’s 2018-2022 Strategic Plan was adopted by the Community Action Commission to chart a five-year course for the Agency.The Strategic Plan contains strategies and goals designed to address the reduction of poverty, revitalization of low-income communities, and empower low-income individuals and families to become more self-sufficient.
Download the 2018-2022 Strategic Plan
Implementation and Achievement of Results
CAP Riverside implements its goals and strategies for meeting needs of low-income individuals, families and communities in partnership with numerous organizations.In addition to providing programs and services, CAP Riverside serves residents of Riverside County through assisting in the capacity building of its partners, referrals of customers to these partners, and in collaborative efforts towards alleviation of the complex conditions of poverty with these partners.To ensure continually improved performance of these combined efforts, CAP Riverside creates measurable outcomes and tracks progress of the results.
Program and services, fiscal performance, outcomes/results and partnerships are evaluated by CAP Riverside’s senior management and its Community Action Commission.Included in this process are monitoring of subcontractors and customer satisfaction survey reports.In addition, CAP Riverside is assessed annually for compliance with 50 nationally established CSBG Organizational Standards, contrived to determine an effective and healthy organization in relation to federal laws and regulations, good management practices, and Community Action values.