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Community Action Partnership Commission


Purpose of the Community Action Commission

In accordance with Riverside County Board of Supervisor’s Policy A-21, Advisory Boards, Commissions and Committees, the Community Action Commission (CAC) advises the Riverside County Board of Supervisors consistent with the Delineation of Powers Agreement between Governing Board and the Community Action Commission. The primary purpose of the CAC is to provide guidance to the Board on anti-poverty programming, funding and to amplify the needs of low-income communities and residents.

Commission Structure

The CAC is a tripartite board composed of a minimum of fifteen (15) members representing three sectors: one-third (1/3) shall represent the Public Sector; one third (1/3) shall be low-income individuals or shall be representatives of the low-income community; and one third (1/3) shall represent the Private Sector as members of business, industry, labor, religious, education or other major group and interests in the community served. All members shall represent a Riverside County supervisorial district and shall be formally appointed by the Board of Supervisors.

Community Action Commission Low-Income Sector Representative

Eligibility Criteria

  1.  Applicant is at least 18 years of age.
  2.  Applicant resides in the Riverside County supervisorial district where the vacancy exists.
  3.  Applicant is not a County of Riverside staff member, member or family of CAP Riverside staff, a current CAC member, or a member of the Board of Supervisors.
  4.  Applicant has not been removed from the CAC at any point in the past.
  5.  Applicant understands that election results are contingent on passing a background check.
  6.  If applying as a low-income individual, income certification is completed (refer to the LIHEAP/LIHWAP income eligibility guidelines provided).

Application Process

  1. Complete and submit the application.
  2. Attach a one-page biography (employment history and public service experience).
  3. Provide a headshot for verification purposes.
  4. Submit all required documentation to the CAP Riverside staff liaison by the publicized deadline.
  5. Submit candidate statement video.

Democratic Selection Process

  1. Applications will be reviewed for eligibility.
  2. Eligible candidates will appear on the election ballot for their respective supervisorial district.
  3. Public voting will determine the top three candidates for each district.
  4. Final selections are made by district offices based on election results.

Appointment Requirements

  1. Candidates must pass a background check per County Board of Supervisors Policy C-33.
  2. Elected representatives will serve a two-year term, contingent on maintaining residence in their supervisorial district.