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About Us

About Us

County of Riverside Department of Housing and Workforce Solutions

Community Action Partnership is a Division of the County of Riverside Department of Housing and Workforce Solutions (HWS). HWS was formed in 2020 by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors in response to the need to focus on innovative ways to elevate social and economic opportunity in Riverside County. HWS consists of the following agencies: Housing Authority of the County of Riverside (HACR), County of Riverside Community and Housing Development (CHD), Riverside County Workforce Development (WD), Community Action Partnership of Riverside County (CAP), and Continuum of Care (CoC).

HWS Org Chart-v3
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About Community Action Partnership

Community Action Partnership of Riverside County (CAP Riverside) is a member of a national network of over 1,000 Community Action Agencies, initiated through the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, whereby America declared War on Poverty. 

CAP Riverside is a public agency, governed by the Riverside County Board of Supervisors, and a Division of the County of Riverside Department of Housing and Workforce Solutions (HWS); it has been Riverside County’s official anti-poverty agency since 1979. CAP Riverside also has an advisory body, the Community Action Commission. The Commission is a tri-partite board comprised of representatives from three key sectors: public (elected officials or their representatives for each of the 5 Riverside County supervisorial districts), private (from among business, industry, labor, religious, human services, education, or other major interests in the community), and low-income (representatives of low-income communities, from each of the supervisorial districts, who are elected to the Commission through a public voting process). 

CAP Riverside adheres to State and Federal accountability measures and is annually monitored by the California Department of Community Services and Development (CSD) for the services it provides, the outcomes its customers achieve, and for compliance with 50 nationally established Organizational Standards for Community Action Agencies.  CAP Riverside has consistently met these organizational standards in 100% compliance. However, in moving beyond compliance toward continuous improvement, CAP Riverside measures and manages its performance utilizing a data-driven, outcomes-based system known as Results-Oriented Management and Accountability (ROMA).  ROMA is comprised of a continuous cycle of principles and practices: Assessment, Planning, Implementation, Achievement of Results, and Evaluation

CAP Riverside actively engages in what is known as maximum feasible participation - a philosophy in which stakeholders, especially low-income, have a voice in the decision-making process and a role in building opportunities in communities.


Community Action Partnership with the community, facilitates opportunities towards self-sufficiency through education, wealth building, energy assistance, and advocacy.


Ending poverty in Riverside County.


As a Community Action Agency, CAP Riverside embraces the national community action promise: Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.