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Agenda, April 20, 2023

Agenda Item


Item Type

I. Call To Order

A. Roll Call


Karla Lopez Del Rio, Executive Director


II. Public Comment

At this time, comments from the audience may be made on items not listed on the agenda that are of public interest and within the subject-matter jurisdiction of the Commission. The Board has a policy of limiting speakers to no more than two minutes. The Board cannot take action on items not listed on the agenda. Public input may be offered on agenda items when they come up for discussion and/or action.



III. Director’s Report

  1. CAP Quarterly Report
  2. Parkview Legacy Foundation- Bridges Out of Poverty Training



Lopez Del Rio



  1. Consent Agenda

All Consent Agenda item(s) listed below are considered to be routine by the Commission and will be enacted by one motion. There will be no separate discussion of items unless a commissioner so requests, in which event the item(s) will be considered following approval of the Consent Agenda.


    1. Meeting Minutes – Approve:
      1. Regular Meeting Minutes – January 19, 2023
    2. Agreements
      1. Receive and File agreements - from December 07, 2022, through March 13, 2023
        1. FY 22/23 First Quarter Budget Adjustment



Lopez Del Rio



V. Commission Tasks

  1. Executive Committee Report
        1. Change meeting date from 5/18 to 5/25
  2. Planning, Evaluation, and Finance Committee Assignments
  3. Form 700 Filing Requirement Acknowledgment





VI. Announcements

  1. The month of May is Community Action Month
  2. Thank you for participating in the March 2023 Orientations
  3. Retreat / Strategic Plan 4-20-2023, 11:00-2:00 p.m.


Lopez del Rio



VII. Adjourn

Next Meeting: July 20, 2023, 5:30 p.m.

Location: CAP Riverside, 2038 Iowa Ave., Suite B-101, Riverside

